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Namaste, Yogi's!

I was born and raised in Southern Ontario (Shout out to Ingersoll, Woodstock and London!) During my youth, I figure skated competitively for many years. After moving to Northern Ontario, (Hi Fort Frances, Emo and Rainy River!) I continued my love for skating as a Coach for 3 years. During this time, yoga was becoming increasingly important to maintaining both my physical health and well being.


My husband Eddie and I started a new life journey that brought us to "The Gentle Island" (P.E.I.) in 2017. I soon started Yoga Teacher Training with the Maritime Yoga College and graduated in May of 2018. Since then, I've been actively teaching all over our beautiful Island and have acquired my E-RYT200 accreditation.

Why "Namstate?"
I acquired the nickname "Tate" somewhere during my journey through life and it stuck. I thought, what a perfect pairing: Namaste, and my nickname together as a name for my yoga business! Works pretty well right? If you've read this far, I hope it means you've taken interest. I look forward to hearing from you or seeing you at a class real soon!

Sat Nam,

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